Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars By John Green

The groundbreaking and awe-inspiring tale of our time is definitely TFIOS. Lemme first say that John Green's favorite hobby is to jump inside the minds of teenagers and probe until he's satisfied. Literally. I'm not. Even. Kidding.

Forget about The Hunger Games, move over Harry Potter, and, sorry but, Divergent must take a step away from the spotlight for now. TFIOS is the new thing. Perhaps these fandoms will make a comeback (shoutout to Veronica Roth: SEQUELS. NOW.) but for now, the world has become infactuated with the story of two cancerous and infectous peronalities. 

Hazel Lancaster is sixteen. She has cancer. Augustus Waters is seventeen. He is ready to live his life. A wonderful friendship blossoms between them. I feel like that's all I can really tell you. Anything else would ruin the experience. 

There is such a truthfulness to Green's words. Without realizing it, you cry and laugh and forget you have a life for the few hours you spend inside of this world. Looking through the blatent eyes of a teenager is enough, but when your host is facing death, everything becomes more serious. Every little observation tells you a little more about these entrancing characters. Being able to see everything laid out in front of you is a gift. I love this book. It is so beautiful in so many ways.

The eternity within these pages is one that you'll never forget. So there's only one more thing to ask:


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